Thursday, May 26, 2011

100 Days Strong--Day 8 Vacation Edition

Day 8

I'm headed out on vacation for a long weekend.  I have a lot to do around the house, and big heat wave is headed our way.

Family will be in for Memorial Day, so grilling will be on the agenda, too.

Gardening still needs to happen.

Family time with the kids.  I'm planning on taking them to the movies--Pirates IV and Kung Fu Panda II, I think.  With 5 kids still at home, this is no small financial feat!

Importance of Family

If you want to be strong, you have to have the support of your family.  Investing in those relationships is critical.  The whole point for me of doing this 100 Days Strong program is for my family.  I want to be around to see them and my grandkids grow up.

They can be your motivation when you just don't feel like it on your own.  Powerful.

But notice the activity level and the opportunity to improve!

Gardening for exercise and to get good food into the house.  With all those kids and my soon-to-be seventh grandchild in the area, it takes about 40-50 tomato and green pepper plants to keep enough in the hopper.  That's a lot of exercise.

Grilling?  Brats and steaks?  Nope, turkey burgers and high quality hot dogs for the kids.  Instead of the usual potato salad, roasted potatoes smashed with fat-free Italian dressing.

Working outside in the workshop and the shed to make them more user-friendly--which will get me out of the house more since I'll have a place to go.  They aren't air-conditioned, but a good fan goes a long way, even in Virginia heat.

What do you have on deck for this Memorial Day weekend?  Special thanks to all my friends who put on the uniform, now and in the past.

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