Wednesday, May 25, 2011

100 Days Strong--Day 7 100 Push-ups

Day 7

I've toyed with this program before.

And I keep coming back to it.  Push-ups were a staple of my high school wrestling team.  First day of practice we would do 10 each of 10 different kinds of push-ups.  That would go until we could knock out 20 of each in just a couple of short weeks.

Of course, I was in a LOT better shape then.

I credit those workouts as giving me the foundation that has allowed me to get away with being heavy for so long.  My wife and my doctor hate my annual physical.  It always ends with, "...aside from the weight, you are as healthy as a horse."  My heart seems to be in great shape, and that is a gift I'm abusing too much.

Which leads me back to this program: Hundred Push-ups

No matter where you start, it builds you up until you can do 100 push-ups.  The target is 6 weeks to accomplish this mission, but you can stretch it a few if you need to--just stick with it.

There are a lot of tools here: iPhone and Android apps, logs, and the whole program.  All free, too.

Need more?
Once you have knocked out 100 (and who are we kidding, this is a big goal!), you should check out some of their other programs (which they keep adding):  200 sit-ups, 200 squats, 150 dips, 25 and 50 pull-ups.  Maybe set them up as a series of goals, and take them down one at a time.  Think how powerful you'll be this time next year, just from following this routine.

Exercising at the gym is great, but don't forget the great things you can do at home.  Push-ups?  You just need a clear spot on the floor.  And a little courage.

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