Sunday, May 29, 2011

100 Days Strong--Day 11 The Power of Prayer

Day 11

Yesterday's post was really long, so today's will be short.

In a way it ties into yesterday's post, too.

The power of prayer is enormous and shouldn't be overlooked when becoming 100 Days Strong.  Do you need help focusing your efforts?  Are you hurting, stubborn and determined to fix it yourself?

In Scouting, we don't tell you that you have to believe a certain way--but you do need to believe.  I'm not going to suggest to you what to believe, but I am going to suggest that you consider being open to prayer.

Prayer can clear the mind, restore the spirit and give you room to meditate on the more important things in life.

It can cut stress.  It has been shown to reduce blood pressure.  It can help add calm to a hectic life and tense relationships.

I've known people who attend church, not because they believe that strongly, but are drawn to the peace they can find there at least an hour a week.

People for thousands of years have prayed--for blessings, for food, for direction, for strength, for prosperity, for insight into their existence.  You have nothing to lose and maybe everything to gain.

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