Day 14
OK, big Scouting event tonight called a "Court of Honor". Lots of Scouts receiving advancement, so maybe a hundred folks in attendance to watch.
And there will be food--lots of casseroles, chips-and-dips, bread-encrusted morsels of unidentifiable've been there, you know what I'm talking about.
And my plan is to avoid it altogether. Every square of brownie, scoop of cheesy broccoli, and piece of fried chicken.
And I think I'll be successful...because I have a plan.
Now, don't get me wrong. I love all that stuff. And that's the problem. If I go near it my will of iron will fold and crumple like tinfoil. But if I can keep busy doing all the things that are required for my meeting, I can avoid the entire meal.
There are always plenty of folks to talk to that I don't often see. Lots of younger brothers (future Scouts) to speak to and answer questions.
We'll have a speaker toward the end of the meal, so tending to the details for his talk will eat up some time.
And before you know it, they'll be cleaning up, I won't have really missed anything, and all will be well.
Seriously though, I do miss the cheesy broccoli. Good to make a plan to avoid the temptations.
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