Tuesday, June 7, 2011

100 Days Strong--Day 20 Technology Rocks

Day 20

I'm getting hammered by technology this week, in a good way.

What does that have to do with my 100 Days Strong?  Like everything else, technology is permeating my efforts--and I'm open to it.

Earlier this week my bathroom scale died.  Before I scooted off to Walmart yesterday to hunt down a new one, I decided to check and see what Amazon could offer.


So I decided on this one.  Clicked the button to order it, and BAM!  Arrived today.  Well-made, easy-to-read, and has a capacity that far exceeds my ability to tax it.  Even five years ago, I would have been looking at an expensive scale, it would have weighed a ton, and been ugly as sin.  Technology wins.

I posted about the "scale death" on Twitter (sharing the find with other 100 Days Strong-ers)...and my gym tweeted back to remind me of the heavy-duty scale they have.  And later mentioned that they could help me with my knee.

Even this whole idea of connecting with other people online about my health, tracking my sleep and catching those calories from my phone makes me laugh.  C25K and Hundred Push-ups, too...on my phone.

Where am I going with this?

Not sure yet, but I like the direction it is headed.  Technology is making it easier than ever to keep all of those excuses and potential hurdles at bay.  Others are tweeting me about fitness programs they are using, which opens my mind to other possibilities down the road.

In the gym I turn on Pandora to listen to while C25K application dings me to run or walk.  I don't have to write down reps and times--just tweet, IM or email them to myself.  GPS software on my phone can map my route and times.  What do you think is coming next?

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